Boeing Shows Dreamliner Battery Plan to Japanese Government

TOKYO — Boeing on Thursday presented the Japanese government with its plan to address battery problems on its new 787 Dreamliner, stressing that added protections against possible battery fires and overheating are more than enough to allow its planes back in the air.

Japanese investigators, however, have maintained that there is still not enough evidence to show that the batteries themselves are the cause of fires, and that a shock could have caused them to overheat. That could complicate Boeing’s efforts to get regulators around the world to approve their fixes, because they focus only on containing any problems that might arise in the batteries.

The Japanese assertions have put Japan’s transport safety board at odds with American investigators, who have said publicly that there was no such surge in electrical current from outside the battery. The lithium-ion batteries on the 787 are made by GS Yuasa of Japan.

Raymond L. Conner, the chief executive of Boeing’s commercial airplane division, who is in Tokyo for talks with Japanese government officials, airliners and suppliers, gave a public apology for the problems with the 787 and said that he was confident that the battery fixes were a “permanent” solution that ensured the batteries would not be a danger going forward.

“What we did today was to discuss these solutions that we are looking at that could be final solutions,” Mr. Connor told reporters after meeting with the Japanese transport minister, Akihiro Ota.

“We feel this solution takes into account any possible event that could occur,” he said, “any causal factor that could cause an event, and we are very confident that we have a fix that will be permanent and allow us to continue to use the technology.”

He denied that there was any disagreement between the American and Japanese positions on the needed fixes. He said that Boeing continued to have a “great relationship” with GS Yuasa, the battery maker.

Boeing has delivered 50 787s so far to eight airlines, and it expects to sell thousands of the fuel-efficient jets. But a battery caught fire on one Japan Airlines plane parked in Boston on Jan. 7, and smoke forced another 787 operated by All Nippon Airways to make an emergency landing in Japan.

Boeing has proposed separating the battery cells with insulation to keep heat from spreading from one to another. It also would build a fireproof container around the batteries and add tubes to vent smoke or hazardous gases out of the plane.

Japanese officials would like to Boeing to add a voltage monitor to detect any electric surges from outside the battery. Boeing officials said they did not think they needed this.

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India Ink: A Difficult Budget Balancing Act for India

India’s fiscal budget will be announced on Thursday amid slowing economic growth, soaring inflation, a growing fiscal deficit and flagging investor confidence. But with national elections only a year away, analysts fear that instead of cutting the deficit, the government will buckle under political pressure and increase spending on social programs.

“As the country is going into an election period, there is a tendency to try to create a feel-good factor amongst the electorate by enhancing access to welfare schemes and income growth for the masses,” said Sujan Hajra, chief economist and executive director at Anand Rathi Financial Services.

The government has been under pressure to rein in spending as ratings agencies have warned that a failure to cut the deficit could result in a crippling downgrade to India’s sovereign debt.

“The need of the hour is a growth-supportive budget that reinforces reform initiatives and minimizes populist impulses that may act as a drain on the already stretched fiscal condition and raise a red flag for the ever-watchful rating agencies,” said Ajay Bodke, the head of investment strategy and advisory at Prabhudas Lilladher, a Mumbai brokerage.

India’s economy has slowed considerably in recent quarters. On Feb. 7, advance estimates released by India’s Central Statistics Office pegged the growth rate for the current fiscal year, which ends in March, at 5 percent, a significant drop from the central bank’s earlier projections of 5.5 percent and 5.8 percent, and down from over 8 percent in 2010.

In the second quarter of this financial year, the current account deficit reached a record high of $22.4 billion, or 5.4 percent of the gross domestic product, according to data released by the Reserve Bank of India in December.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh attributed the slowdown to outside forces. “We are meeting against the background of global slowdown of economic activity which has also affected us,” he said in Parliament on Feb. 21. “The way we conduct the financial business now before Parliament will be a crucial determinant of our country’s ability to cope with the formidable challenges that our country faces.”

The government has introduced a series of measures to narrow the deficit, including a rise in passenger rail fares, an increase in fuel prices and the opening of the aviation and retail sectors for foreign direct investment.

Reducing the fiscal deficit has been a priority for the government in recent months. In October, India’s finance minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, presented a plan  aimed at reducing the fiscal deficit over the next five years, which included a significant reduction in subsidies and tight controls on government expenditure.

In an interview with The Financial Times in January while in England to promote India to investors, Mr. Chidambaram said that the coming budget would be “responsible,” adding, “The red lines are that the fiscal deficit for the current year will be no more than 5.3 percent and the fiscal deficit for the next year will be no more than 4.8 percent.”

Additional measures to overhaul the economy are necessary to reach that target, analysts said. The government is likely to rely on a mix of revenue and spending measures, including proceeds from the divestment of state-run companies and telecom spectrum sales, an increase in indirect taxes and improved tax administration, predicted Leif Lybecker Eskesen, the chief economist for India at HSBC Global Research.

“Debt dynamics depend importantly on broader structural reforms progress, which is needed to raise the economy’s growth potential,” he said. “It is, therefore, imperative to continue and step up the reform push.”

What worries analysts in particular is the National Food Security Bill 2011, which aims to lower the cost of food for the poor.

“If the bill is passed by Parliament, the total food subsidy expense alone would be approximately $14.6 billion per year, or 12 percent of the annual budget,” said Akshay Mathur, head of research at Gateway House, a research institution in Mumbai. Total subsidy expenses, including fuel and fertilizer would be almost 20 percent of the budget, he added.

Critics of the bill argue that the legislation is being introduced with the sole intention of garnering votes for the Congress party in the national elections in 2014.

“There is definitely a political impetus behind the Food Security Bill, but the need is not only a political one,” said Mr. Mathur. “However, the question is how we can pay for it. At this point, given that we have a fiscal deficit and a current account deficit, any added expenditure is a pure drain on the government.”

Meanwhile, fear of a sovereign ratings downgrade by international credit rating agencies is haunting the government. “Rating agencies are also closely watching out for any further fiscal slippage,” said Dipen Shah, head of private client group research at Kotak Securities.

Ratings agencies are looking to the budget for signs of the Indian government’s commitment to fiscal consolidation and structural reform.

“The Union budget will be an important gauge of the government’s commitment to fiscal consolidation and reform in general,” said a report by Fitch Ratings on Feb. 4. “India’s patchy performance on policy implementation, and the approach of elections in 2014 could impede fiscal consolidation, suggesting political and implementation risk remain significant.”

Lalit Thakkar, a managing director at Angel Broking, said that perhaps the ratings agencies’ scrutiny will compel the government to act responsibly.

“We believe that the government cannot afford any adverse economic developments at this juncture on the back of the still-looming threat of sovereign ratings downgrade by credit rating agencies,” he said.

Given that a ratings downgrade from the lowest investment grade to junk status could significantly hamper capital flow, have an adverse impact on the currency, business confidence and the availability of international finance for the corporate sector, perhaps it is this threat that will prove pivotal.

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Mbakwe, Minnesota take down No. 1 Indiana 77-73

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana was starting to settle in again at No. 1 after weeks of shuffling at the top of the national rankings in this wildly unpredictable season of college basketball.

Trevor Mbakwe and Minnesota stepped forward, flexed their muscles and did their best to push the Hoosiers out.

Mbakwe had 21 points and 12 rebounds to help the Gophers take down top-ranked Indiana 77-73 on Tuesday night, the seventh time the No. 1 team in The Associated Press' poll has lost a game this season.

"We're trying to do big things so we have to learn from this mistake, but we have to dust it off real fast," Hoosiers star Victor Oladipo said.

Andre Hollins added 16 points for the Gophers (19-9, 7-8 Big Ten), who outrebounded Cody Zeller and the Hoosiers by a whopping 44-30 and solidified their slipping NCAA tournament bid with an emphatic performance against the Big Ten leader. The fans swarmed the court as the last second ticked off, the first time that's happened here in years.

"We weren't physical enough on the glass. That's the bottom line," Indiana coach Tom Crean said.

Zeller was held to nine points with four turnovers for the Hoosiers (24-4, 12-3), who have held the No. 1 ranking for 10 of 17 polls this season including the last four. Oladipo scored 16 points, but 14 of the 17 points by Jordan Hulls came before halftime.

"Cody's certainly capable of a lot," Crean said, "and I think he'll bounce back just fine."

Mbakwe, a sixth-year senior, posted his conference-leading seventh double-double. At 24 years old, he was a man among boys in many ways in this game, dominating both ends of the court when the Gophers needed him most. Minnesota had 23 offensive rebounds.

"We did need to play with a sense of urgency, play with a little edge," Gophers coach Tubby Smith said. "I think Trevor set that tone for us."

Elliott Eliason, who played every bit as well as Zeller, the slender sophomore in the post on the other side, scored seven straight points for Minnesota to tie the game at 46 shortly after Oladipo's reverse layup had given the Hoosiers a 44-36 edge, their biggest of the game.

Hollins, who missed eight of his first nine shots, scraped off a high screen by Eliason to pull up for a 3-pointer and give the Gophers a 51-48 lead. Mbakwe got a rebound to keep a key possession alive then grabbed another board to set up his off-balance bank shot to make it 56-53 in favor of Minnesota.

"I didn't feel I was playing up to my potential lately. I just wanted to come out and be aggressive," Mbakwe said.

Mbakwe was called for a loudly questioned blocking foul, his fourth, with 4:39 remaining on Zeller's fast-break layup and free throw that put the Hoosiers up 59-58. But Austin Hollins answered with a pump-fake layup that drew a foul for a three-point play and a two-point advantage for the Gophers.

The Hoosiers didn't lead again, and Joe Coleman's fast-break dunk with 2:35 left gave Minnesota a 68-61 cushion, enough of one to withstand a couple of 3-pointers by Christian Watford and one by Hulls in the closing minutes.

Mbakwe, who played for Crean when they were at Marquette in 2007-08, has had some of his better games against the Hoosiers.

This was his best.

He gave the Gophers and their home crowd a double-shot of energy early with 10 points in the first 6½ minutes, plus a jarring block of Zeller's inside shot that knocked the 7-footer to the court.

"He's a high-level, high-energy, tough guy who plays the game at a desperate level," Crean said. "Obviously I'm biased, but there's no shame in that."

Zeller, Indiana's leading scorer and the second-best shooter in the Big Ten behind Oladipo, was 0 for 4 from the field in the first half with two turnovers, two fouls and two points. The Gophers scored only three points in the last 7 minutes of the half, but they trailed only 34-30.

The Hoosiers are still in position for their first outright Big Ten regular season championship since 1993, with a one-game edge in the loss column over Michigan State, Michigan and Wisconsin. With home games against Iowa and Ohio State, Indiana could still clinch the title before the finale at Michigan on March 10.

For now, though, the Hoosiers have to regroup and re-establish their inside game after the trampling in the paint they endured here.

"They were relentless on the glass. We just didn't do a great job of boxing them out," Oladipo said.

The Gophers were back on their uniquely raised home court, trying desperately to boost spirits that have sagged under the weight of eight losses in their previous 11 games. Smith even had the team meet with a sports psychologist. They hadn't topped 58 points in their previous five games. After being ranked in 11 straight polls, the Gophers didn't get one vote this week.

They'll get a few in the next one.

"We've had a lot of people supporting them, encouraging them. I think they knew how important the game was, but I sensed a very calm, matter-of-fact group of guys," Smith said, adding: "They're very confident about who they are."


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Well: What Housework Has to Do With Waistlines

Phys Ed

Gretchen Reynolds on the science of fitness.

One reason so many American women are overweight may be that we are vacuuming and doing laundry less often, according to a new study that, while scrupulously even-handed, is likely to stir controversy and emotions.

The study, published this month in PLoS One, is a follow-up to an influential 2011 report which used data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to determine that, during the past 50 years, most American workers began sitting down on the job. Physical activity at work, such as walking or lifting, almost vanished, according to the data, with workers now spending most of their time seated before a computer or talking on the phone. Consequently, the authors found, the average American worker was burning almost 150 fewer calories daily at work than his or her employed parents had, a change that had materially contributed to the rise in obesity during the same time frame, especially among men, the authors concluded.

But that study, while fascinating, was narrow, focusing only on people with formal jobs. It overlooked a large segment of the population, namely a lot of women.

“Fifty years ago, a majority of women did not work outside of the home,” said Edward Archer, a research fellow with the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, and lead author of the new study.

So, in collaboration with many of the authors of the earlier study of occupational physical activity, Dr. Archer set out to find data about how women had once spent their hours at home and whether and how their patterns of movement had changed over the years.

He found the information he needed in the American Heritage Time Use Study, a remarkable archive of “time-use diaries” provided by thousands of women beginning in 1965. Because Dr. Archer wished to examine how women in a variety of circumstances spent their time around the house, he gathered diaries from both working and non-employed women, starting with those in 1965 and extending through 2010.

He and his colleagues then pulled data from the diaries about how many hours the women were spending in various activities, how many calories they likely were expending in each of those tasks, and how the activities and associated energy expenditures changed over the years.

As it turned out, their findings broadly echoed those of the occupational time-use study. Women, they found, once had been quite physically active around the house, spending, in 1965, an average of 25.7 hours a week cleaning, cooking and doing laundry. Those activities, whatever their social freight, required the expenditure of considerable energy. (The authors did not include child care time in their calculations, since the women’s diary entries related to child care were inconsistent and often overlapped those of other activities.) In general at that time, working women devoted somewhat fewer hours to housework, while those not employed outside the home spent more.

Forty-five years later, in 2010, things had changed dramatically. By then, the time-use diaries showed, women were spending an average of 13.3 hours per week on housework.

More striking, the diary entries showed, women at home were now spending far more hours sitting in front of a screen. In 1965, women typically had spent about eight hours a week sitting and watching television. (Home computers weren’t invented yet.)

By 2010, those hours had more than doubled, to 16.5 hours per week. In essence, women had exchanged time spent in active pursuits, like vacuuming, for time spent being sedentary.

In the process, they had also greatly reduced the number of calories that they typically expended during their hours at home. According to the authors’ calculations, American women not employed outside the home were burning about 360 fewer calories every day in 2010 than they had in 1965, with working women burning about 132 fewer calories at home each day in 2010 than in 1965.

“Those are large reductions in energy expenditure,” Dr. Archer said, and would result, over the years, in significant weight gain without reductions in caloric intake.

What his study suggests, Dr. Archer continued, is that “we need to start finding ways to incorporate movement back into” the hours spent at home.

This does not mean, he said, that women — or men — should be doing more housework. For one thing, the effort involved is such activities today is less than it once was. Using modern, gliding vacuum cleaners is less taxing than struggling with the clunky, heavy machines once available, and thank goodness for that.

Nor is more time spent helping around the house a guarantee of more activity, over all. A telling 2012 study of television viewing habits found that when men increased the number of hours they spent on housework, they also greatly increased the hours they spent sitting in front of the TV, presumably because it was there and beckoning.

Instead, Dr. Archer said, we should start consciously tracking what we do when we are at home and try to reduce the amount of time spent sitting. “Walk to the mailbox,” he said. Chop vegetables in the kitchen. Play ball with your, or a neighbor’s, dog. Chivvy your spouse into helping you fold sheets. “The data clearly shows,” Dr. Archer said, that even at home, we need to be in motion.

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Media Decoder Blog: SFX Entertainment Buys Electronic Dance Music Site

SFX Entertainment, the company led by the media executive Robert F. X. Sillerman, has agreed to buy the music download site Beatport, part of the company’s plan to build a $1 billion empire centered on the electronic dance music craze.

Mr. Sillerman declined on Tuesday to reveal the price. But two people with direct knowledge of the transaction, who were not authorized to speak about it, said it was for a little more than $50 million.

Beatport, founded in Denver in 2004, has become the pre-eminent download store for electronic dance music, or E.D.M., with a catalog of more than one million tracks, many of them exclusive to the service. It says it has nearly 40 million users, and while the company does not disclose sales numbers, it is said to be profitable.

The site has also become an all-purpose online destination for dance music, with features like a news feed, remix contests and D.J. profiles. Those features, and its reach, could help in Mr. Sillerman’s plan to unite the disparate dance audience through media.

“Beatport gives us direct contact with the D.J.’s and lets us see what’s popular and what’s not,” Mr. Sillerman said in an interview. “Most important, it gives us a massive platform for everything related to E.D.M.”

Since the company was revived last year, SFX has focused mostly on live events, with the promoters Disco Donnie Presents and Life in Color; recently it also invested in a string of nightclubs in Miami and formed a joint venture with ID&T, the European company behind festivals like Sensation, to put on its events in North America.

In the 1990s, Mr. Sillerman spent $1.2 billion creating a nationwide network of concert promoters under the name SFX, which he sold to Clear Channel Entertainment in 2000 for $4.4 billion; those promoters are now the basis of Live Nation’s concert division.

Matthew Adell, Beatport’s chief executive, said that being part of SFX could help the company extend its business into live events, and also into countries where the dance genre is exploding, like India and Brazil.

“We already are by far the largest online destination of qualified fans and talent in the market,” Mr. Adell said, “and we can continue to grow that.”

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IHT Rendezvous: Thank you, Xiexie, Namaste: a Movie Undercuts Old Rivalries

BEIJING — After the Taiwan-born film director Ang Lee won big at the Oscars on Sunday evening in Los Angeles, including scooping Best Director for “Life of Pi,” he effusively thanked his place of birth. But his thanks didn’t make it into China, at least not via the official media.

Why? At almost the same time as Mr. Lee’s speech there was a meeting in Beijing between Xi Jinping, the head of China’s Communist Party, and Lien Chan, the honorary chairman of Taiwan’s Kuomintang party, the latest twist in a political rivalry now dating back 64 years to the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949, when the Kuomintang fled to Taiwan and set up the Republic of China. Communist Party-run China, the People’s Republic of China, still claims Taiwan and has not dropped threats to take it by force, if necessary. Even for Xinhua to quote Mr. Lee thanking Taiwan would be to unacceptably recognize the de facto reality that Taiwan is a separate state.

It’s all deep politics, with Mr. Lee’s victory bound to lead to a debate about whether Mr. Lee is “Chinese or not.” Mr. Lee, who has never denied he is culturally Chinese and appears keen to work in and with the mainland of China, is known to be proud of his Taiwan roots and sees himself as an internationalist.

In its account of the event, Xinhua, the official news agency, merely described him as “Coming from China’s Taiwan”, which fits into China’s ongoing claims.

Here’s what Mr. Lee said about Taiwan: “I cannot make this movie without the help of Taiwan. We shot there. I want to thank everybody there helped us. Especially the city of Tai Chong.” He went on to thank “My family in Taiwan.”

In another story, Xinhua also left out Mr. Lee’s thanks to Taiwan, quoting only this version of his words: “Thank you, movie God. I really need to share this with all 3,000, everybody who worked with me in ‘Life of Pi’, I want to thank you for, I really want to thank you for believing this story, and sharing this incredible journey with me. Thank you, Academy, xie xie, namaste.”

Readers of the Taipei Times, however, learned also that backstage, “Lee thanked his home country, where he said 90 percent of the film was shot. ‘They gave us a lot of physical help and financial help,’ he said. ‘I’m glad that Taiwan contribute this much to the film. I feel like this movie belongs to the world,’” he said in a story carried by the Taiwan newspaper.

As the Taipei Times cited Mr. Lien as saying in the meeting with Mr. Xi, “core issues” remain unresolved. Taiwan and China can work out a reasonable arrangement, Mr. Lian said, according to the newspaper, sounding pragmatic.

Mr. Xi’s had a different, more dramatic take of the situation, speaking of China and Taiwan working together for the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” in the China Daily’s words, reflecting speeches he has made frequently since becoming party leader.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lee offered something completely different in his speech: a multicultural, multilingual salutation that reflected the deeply globalized nature of his movie, which explores human survival, animals, and religions.

“Thank you, Academy. Xie xie, Namaste,” he said, in English, Mandarin Chinese and Hindi.

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AP source: Tom Brady gets 3-year extension

Tom Brady will be a Patriot until he is 40 years old.

Brady agreed to a three-year contract extension with New England on Monday, a person familiar with the contract told The Associated Press. The extension is worth about $27 million and will free up nearly $15 million in salary cap room for the team, which has several younger players it needs to re-sign or negotiate new deals with.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the extension has not been announced.

Sports Illustrated first reported the extension.

The 35-year-old two-time league MVP was signed through 2014, and has said he wants to play at least five more years.

A three-time Super Bowl champion, Brady will make far less in those three seasons than the going rate for star quarterbacks. Brady currently has a four-year, $72 million deal with $48 million guaranteed.

Drew Brees and Peyton Manning are the NFL's highest-paid quarterbacks, at an average of $20 million and $18 million a year, respectively.

Brady has made it clear he wants to finish his career with the Patriots, whom he led to Super Bowl wins for the 2001, 2003 and 2004 seasons, and losses in the big game after the 2007 and 2011 seasons. By taking less money in the extension and redoing his current contract, he's hopeful New England can surround him with the parts to win more titles.

Among the Patriots' free agents are top receiver Wes Welker and his backup, Julian Edelman; right tackle Sebastian Vollmer; cornerback Aqib Talib; and running back Danny Woodhead.

Brady has been the most successful quarterback of his era, of course, as well as one of the NFL's best leaders. His skill at running the no-huddle offense is unsurpassed, and he's easily adapted to the different offensive schemes New England has concentrated on through his 13 pro seasons.

The Patriots have gone from run-oriented in Brady's early days to a deep passing team with Randy Moss to an offense dominated by throws to tight ends, running backs and slot receivers.

Brady holds the NFL record for touchdown passes in a season with 50 in 2007, when the Patriots went 18-0 before losing the Super Bowl to the Giants. He has thrown for at least 28 touchdowns seven times and led the league three times.

Last season, Brady had 34 TD passes and eight interceptions as the Patriots went 12-4, leading the league with 557 points, 76 more than runner-up Denver.

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Horse Meat in European Beef Raises Questions on U.S. Exposure

The alarm in Europe over the discovery of horse meat in beef products escalated again Monday, when the Swedish furniture giant Ikea withdrew an estimated 1,670 pounds of meatballs from sale in 14 European countries.

Ikea acted after authorities in the Czech Republic detected horse meat in its meatballs. The company said it had made the decision even though its tests two weeks ago did not detect horse DNA.

Horse meat mixed with beef was first found last month in Ireland, then Britain, and has now expanded steadily across the Continent. The situation in Europe has created unease among American consumers over whether horse meat might also find its way into the food supply in the United States. Here are answers to commonly asked questions on the subject.

Has horse meat been found in any meatballs sold in Ikea stores in the United States?

Ikea says there is no horse meat in the meatballs it sells in the United States. The company issued a statement on Monday saying meatballs sold in its 38 stores in the United States were bought from an American supplier and contained beef and pork from animals raised in the United States and Canada.

“We do not tolerate any other ingredients than the ones stipulated in our recipes or specifications, secured through set standards, certifications and product analysis by accredited laboratories,” Ikea said in its statement.

Mona Liss, a spokeswoman for Ikea, said by e-mail that all of the businesses that supply meat to its meatball maker  issue letters guaranteeing that they will not misbrand or adulterate their products. “Additionally, as an abundance of caution, we are in the process of DNA-testing our meatballs,” Ms. Liss wrote. “Results should be concluded in 30 days.”

Does the United States import any beef from countries where horse meat has been found?

No. According to the Department of Agriculture, the United States imports no beef from any of the European countries involved in the scandal. Brian K. Mabry, a spokesman for the department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, said: “Following a decision by Congress in November 2011 to lift the ban on horse slaughter, two establishments, one located in New Mexico and one in Missouri, have applied for a grant of inspection exclusively for equine slaughter. The Food Safety and Inspection Service (F.S.I.S.) is currently reviewing those applications.”

Has horse meat been found in ground meat products sold in the United States?

No. Meat products sold in the United States must pass Department of Agriculture inspections, whether produced domestically or imported. No government financing has been available for inspection of horse meat for human consumption in the United States since 2005, when the Humane Society of the United States got a rider forbidding financing for inspection of horse meat inserted in the annual appropriations bill for the Agriculture Department. Without inspection, such plants may not operate legally.

The rider was attached to every subsequent agriculture appropriations bill until 2011, when it was left out of an omnibus spending bill signed by President Obama on Nov. 18. The U.S.D.A.  has not committed any money for the inspection of horse meat.

“We’re real close to getting some processing plants up and running, but there are no inspectors because the U.S.D.A. is working on protocols,” said Dave Duquette, a horse trader in Oregon and president of United Horsemen, a small group that works to retrain and rehabilitate unwanted horses and advocates the slaughter of horses for meat. “We believe very strongly that the U.S.D.A. is going to bring inspectors online directly.”

Are horses slaughtered for meat for human consumption in the United States?

Not currently, although live horses from the United States are exported to slaughterhouses in Canada and Mexico. The lack of inspection effectively ended the slaughter of horse meat for human consumption in the United States; 2007 was the last year horses were slaughtered in the United States. At the time financing of inspections was banned, a Belgian company operated three horse meat processing plants — in Fort Worth and Kaufman, Tex., and DeKalb, Ill. — but exported the meat it produced in them.

Since 2011, efforts have been made to re-establish the processing of horse meat for human consumption in the United States. A small plant in Roswell, N.M., which used to process beef cattle into meat has been retooled to slaughter 20 to 25 horses a day. But legal challenges have prevented it from opening, Mr. Duquette said. Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico opposes opening the plant and has asked the U.S.D.A. to block it.

Last month, the two houses of the Oklahoma Legislature passed separate bills to override a law against the slaughter of horses for meat but kept the law’s ban on consumption of such meat by state residents. California, Illinois, New Jersey, Tennessee and Texas prohibit horse slaughter for human consumption.

Is there a market for horse meat in the United States?

Mr. Duquette said horse meat was popular among several growing demographic groups in the United States, including Tongans, Mongolians and various Hispanic populations. He said he knew of at least 10 restaurants that wanted to buy horse meat. “People are very polarized on this issue,” he said. Wayne Pacelle, chief executive of the Humane Society of the United States, disagreed, saying demand in the United States was limited. Italy is the largest consumer of horse meat, he said, followed by France and Belgium.

Is horse meat safe to eat?

That is a matter of much debate between proponents and opponents of horse meat consumption. Mr. Duquette said that horse meat, some derived from American animals processed abroad, was eaten widely around the world without health problems. “It’s high in protein, low in fat and has a whole lot of omega 3s,” he said.

The Humane Society says that because horse meat is not consumed in the United States, the animals’ flesh is likely to contain residues of many drugs that are unsafe for humans to eat. The organization’s list of drugs given to horses runs to 29 pages.

“We’ve been warning the Europeans about this for years,” Mr. Pacelle said. “You have all these food safety standards in Europe — they do not import chicken carcasses from the U.S. because they are bathed in chlorine, and won’t take pork because of the use of ractopamine in our industry — but you’ve thrown out the book when it comes to importing horse meat from North America.”

The society has filed petitions with the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration, arguing that they should test horse meat before allowing it to be marketed in the United States for humans to eat.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: February 25, 2013

An earlier version of this article misstated how many pounds of meatballs Ikea was withdrawing from sale in 14 European countries. It is 1,670 pounds, not 1.67 billion pounds.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: February 25, 2013

An earlier version of this article misstated the last year that horses were slaughtered in the United States. It is 2007, not 2006.

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DealBook: Confirmation Hearing for Mary Jo White Said to Be Scheduled for March

Mary Jo White appears poised to face a Senate confirmation hearing next month, a crucial step for the former federal prosecutor on her path to becoming the top Wall Street regulator.

Ms. White, whose nomination to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission has lingered for over a month, plans to testify in March before the Senate Banking Committee, three Congressional officials briefed on the matter said on Monday. The committee has not set a firm date for the confirmation hearing, the officials said, though lawmakers have tentatively scheduled her to appear the week of March 11.

At the hearing, one official said, Ms. White will most likely join Richard Cordray, who is in line to become director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In January, when the White House nominated Ms. White to the S.E.C. spot, it reappointed Mr. Cordray to a position he has held for the last year under a temporary recess appointment.

The Senate last year declined to confirm him in the face of Republican and Wall Street opposition to the newly created consumer bureau. Republicans are likely to voice similar skepticism at the hearing next month.

While some officials have quietly expressed concerns about Ms. White’s role as a Wall Street defense lawyer, her nomination is not expected to face major complications. An S.E.C. spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The timetable laid out on Monday offers Ms. White additional weeks to prepare. Over the last couple of weeks, she has received multiple briefings from agency staff members about new securities rules and the structure of the stock market, an official said. The briefings will in part prepare her for the confirmation hearing, which is expected to cover a broad scope of topics.

While Ms. White is a skilled litigator, she lacks experience in financial rule-writing and regulatory minutiae, a potential stumbling block for her nomination. Lawmakers also expect to raise questions about her movements through the revolving door that bridges government service and private practice. Some Democrats, a person briefed on the matter said, will question whether she is cozy with Wall Street.

In private practice, Ms. White defended some of Wall Street’s biggest names, including Kenneth D. Lewis, a former chief of Bank of America. As the head of litigation at Debevoise & Plimpton, she also represented JPMorgan Chase and the board of Morgan Stanley. Her husband, John W. White, is co-chairman of the corporate governance practice at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, where he represents many of the companies that the S.E.C. regulates.

(Ms. White has agreed to recuse herself from many matters that involve former clients, while her husband has agreed to convert his partnership at Cravath from equity to nonequity status.)

Despite some reservations, she is expected to receive broad support on Capitol Hill. When President Obama nominated her last month, Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York was one of several Democrats to praise her prosecutorial prowess, calling her “tough as nails” during stints as a federal prosecutor in Brooklyn and as the first female United States attorney in Manhattan.

While she handled some white-collar and securities cases, her specialty was terrorism and organized crime. As a federal prosecutor in New York City for more than a decade, she helped oversee the prosecution of the crime figure John Gotti and directed the case against those responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. She also supervised the original investigation into Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda.

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India Ink: Forces of Creation Moving in Unison

Presenting non-Western dances to Western audiences can be a difficult business. If an artist adjusts too much, a deep tradition can flatten into pandering tourist fare. If an artist adjusts too little, fidelity can get in the way of communication; a living art form can come across as a relic.

Andrea Mohin/The New York Times

Bijayini Satpathy, left, and Pavithra Reddy of the Nrityagram Dance Ensemble in “Alap.”

A sortable calendar of noteworthy cultural events in the New York region, selected by Times critics.

The Indian choreographer Surupa Sen negotiates the balance with grace. The sinuous, asymmetrical poses of her Odissi tradition, looking at once immovable and full of motion, disguise complex negotiations with gravity as mere embellishments of line. Similarly, Ms. Sen’s choreography elaborates on classical Odissi style while seeming merely to clarify it.

For 20 years Ms. Sen has worked closely with the dancer Bijayini Satpathy. For 20 years, in fact, the two women have lived in the same village in Southern India, Nrityagram, which is devoted to dance. The concert of duets and solos they’re bringing to the Skirball Center (April 6 to 7) is titled “Samyoga,” which in Sanskrit means “union” or “the conjunction of heavenly bodies.” That’s a fair description of Ms. Sen and Ms. Satpathy dancing together.

There’s a philosophical idea behind the work — the interaction between male and female principles in creation — but it can be appreciated on purely aesthetic and theatrical grounds. The women dance both male and female roles. Suggestions of demons and giant birds blend into abstract shapes, patterns and rhythms. A love spat between gods is presented as human comedy, in motion touched by the divine. And, as at all events presented by the World Music Institute, the live music should be at least as distinguished as the dancing.

Souleymane Badolo takes on the translation challenge from a different angle. Born in Burkina Faso, he started his dancing career there, in a traditional African troupe. Since 1993 he has been experimenting with Western contemporary dance, performing in Africa and Europe, but the first work he presented in New York, after he moved there in 2009, still looked pretty foreign. Telling his story in a mixture of French and his native language, Gurunsi, Mr. Badolo enacted a private ritual, slapping his flesh and clicking his tongue.

Since then it’s been fascinating to watch him adapt to his new home. Working with Reggie Wilson, a New York postmodern choreographer well versed in African dance, Mr. Badolo has become more postmodern and more New York. For his performances at New York Live Arts (April 25 to 27) he’s looking again at legacy, the line from his great-great-grandfather to his son. He’s also creating a piece based on a Gurunsi divination method involving the scattering of cowrie seeds.

Is that so different from Merce Cunningham’s chance practices? Is there such a great distance between Africa and downtown New York?

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